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What others have said

"You are an awesome combination of good listener, teacher, mentor, challenger . I am very thankful for the time you are spending with me. You are very good at your job."
Participant - Leadership Coaching Programme

"Wayne encouraged me to examine my attitudes and behaviour, to find out who I was and develop strategies in a safe but challenging way. My staff have certainly noticed a positive difference."
Participant - Leadership Coaching Programme

"The leadership coaching programme with Wayne is fantastic. He challenges my thought processes and helps keep me focussed."
Participant - Leadership Coaching Programme

"Wayne is a tremendous coach and mentor and has encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone which has enabled me to develop and strengthen existing competencies. I would definitely recommend Wayne."
Participant - Leadership Development Programme
Focus:          Growing Leaders
"Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing."
Warren Bennis On Becoming a Leader

Underpinning Principles:


Leadership Development Programme
The Leading Edge Leadership Competency Assessment
Leadership Coaching

Email Wayne at   wayne @ future-edge.co.nz (remove spaces)
for further information on services.

And who is Wayne Morris anyway? Click here.

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